礼に始まり礼に終わる It begins and ends with "Rei"

太志と感謝に優る戦略なし There is no better strategy than to be thankful and high aspirations

情熱の継続に勝る才能なし There is no talent better than the continuation of passion

礼で和する志を全世界に成就します We will fulfill our "Kokorozashi" to harmonize with "Rei" to the whole world

In martial arts, it is said, "It begins and ends with "Rei""
and we all know this phrase.
So what is "Rei"?

We have been taught the manners
and the importance of “Rei”,
but we have not been taught the deeper meaning
and purpose of "Rei”, what rei is,
what is important, etc.
We have also not been taught the correct way
to do “Rei”.
We have also not been taught the correct way to perform “Rei”.

It is very difficult to express in words, but it can be said that the essence of “Rei” is to put aside status, honor, possessions, personal connections, knowledge, and experience, and to be in a state of "KUU".

In other words, it can be said that one experiences oneness, the oneness of all things.
With the experience of Oneness, we can create a world of co-existence and co-prosperity.

“Rei" is simple, but very powerful.
It is important to learn the correct form of "Rei" under the guidance of an instructor certified by the Reido Universal Federation.

What is the “Reido Universal Federation”?

The Reido Universal Federation was founded in 2022.
“Rei" is a part of the "BUGAKU" systematized by
the founder, Rennon Lee,
and "KOKOROZASHI-REI-HO" is a part of
the "BUGAKU" systematized by
the founder, Rennon Lee.

The purpose of the program is to pass
on the importance of "Rei" to future generations
and to increase the number of people
who live up to the spirit of "KOKOROZASHI".

The name "Reido Universal Federation"
was chosen to express our desire to "continue to pass on the universal value of “Rei” to future generations”.

The actual activity of the federation is to "train leaders in the “BUGAKU””.
The “BUGAKU” are "active learning" that can be used in daily life, but they can also be called "teaching without teaching.

It is based on the premise that "all people have everything they need”.

Intentions behind the establishment of the "Reido Universal Federation"

Founder Renon Lee will tell you about his "Intentions behind the establishment of the "Reido Universal Federation"" in about 6 minutes.

Summary of Video

We learn concepts first and communicate from the abstraction of concepts.
Perhaps we are misdirected, trying to become a you that is not the original you.

The essence of “Rei” is to be one and to be "KUU".
Why don't we put aside "I am right" and "you are wrong" and use “Rei” to be "me as I am" with each other?

By performing “Rei” your vessel will gradually grow and you will be able to look down from a higher "level of abstraction".
The way we see the world is changing.
I feel that we would like to convey these things through the activities of the “Reido Universal Federation”.

Philosophy and Mission

理念Our Philosophy

“KOKKI-FUKUREI” Exercising self-restraint and conforming to the rules of etiquette and formality.
To nurture people who live up to the "KOKOROZASHI" to harmonize with others through “Rei”.

使命Our Mission

To cherish, re-create and transmit the value of “Rei”.

想いOur Concept

The world has the meaning of all things in the universe (all beings).
“Universe" in English represents the cosmos.
The name "Reido Universal Federation" was chosen to express our desire to "continue to pass on the universal value of “Rei” to future generations”.

規約Our Rules

We determine the rules and regulations that form the basis of our operations.

The logo includes the following meanings.

  • The left black part (yin) "REI”: Something that cannot be seen but exists, the "R" of “Reido”.
  • The right white part (yang) "KATA”: What can be seen and is handed down.
  • Outer circle "Rei": Great Harmony and Circulation through the integration of Yin and Yang.
  • The central circle "Zero: The origin of creation that encompasses everything.

Direction of the “Reido Universal Federation”

Founder Rennon Lee will tell you about "Direction of the Reido Universal Federation" in about 5 minutes and 50 seconds.

Summary of Video

Only through repeated communication in “Reido” can we understand what “Rei” means.
It is important to accumulate experience.
Your own "OS" will be upgraded as you master it until you drop it into your own inner self.

Experience requires nonverbal interpersonal communication (practice) between people in a real setting.

What is "BUGAKU"?

The word "BUGAKU" may remind many people of
"Budo" or "Combat sports,"
but this is not the case at all.

-No physical strength is required.
-Muscle is not necessary.
-No need for speed.

In other words, it is simple and easy for you
to start working on it right now, as you are now.

“BUGAKU" is a tool to help you become aware of who you are.

The goal of “BUGAKU" is to help you become who you are.

The general positivity is being proactive and positive, not being you.
You try to be someone else, to imitate someone else's way of doing things, but it is not the way that is right for you, and the more you recognize the general positivity, the more stressful it becomes.

The true positivity is you as you are.

It is important to reaffirm who you are and continue to take action to realize it.
By maximizing the charm that everyone originally has inside, you will be able to grow and develop your charm and contribute to the world around you.

In order to help you become who you are, “BUGAKU" teaches you how to practice with a focus on interpersonal skills.

Video about What is “BUGAKU”(5min07sec)

Founder Lennon Lee will give a brief overview of "What is BUGAKU?

Summary of Video

”BUGAKU" is "Yourself."
You are the subject of your own life.
Through practice, you will experience that you are responsible for the events that happen to you and no one else.

Video about Who needs "BUGAKU"(3min38sec)

So, what kind of person needs "BUGAKU"?
We tell in the video that they are people who have a sense of contribution to society from a larger perspective.

Summary of Video

I believe that "BUGAKU" was practiced by nation-builders and cannot be used from the viewpoint of for oneself.
I also believe that "BUGAKU" is based on practice and can only be understood from the perspective that I am trying to contribute to society.



The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which consist of 17 goals and 169 targets and aim to achieve a sustainable and better world by 2030, also pledge to "leave no one behind" on the planet.

Our goal at the Reido Universal Federation is not to achieve one of the SDGs, but to develop leaders who will put the SDGs into practice.

In order for you to become a leader who takes action to solve the world's problems yourself, "BUGAKU" emphasizes the practice of non-verbal communication.

Dedications at various locations


Although irregular, we hold dedications at shrines around the country.
The purpose of this event is not to showcase one's own skills, but to deliver one's thoughts to the world in order to fulfill one's Kokorozashi.
It is also a place where we declare our commitment to "live up to the Kokorozashi to harmonize with others".
You can get a feel for the atmosphere through videos of dedications that have been held in the past.




Practice sessions

Here you will find information on training sessions and events held in various locations, as well as reports on our activities to date.
At the certified training sessions, you can experience the basics of ”BUGAKU” and ”KOKOROZASHI-REIHO” from the very basics.




You can understand what “REIDO” and “KOKOROZASHI-REIHO” is through the video of its founder, Rennon Lee.
You can see the background, including what intention he had in creating it.




We provide various contents to understand “REIDO” and “KOKOROZASHI-REIHO”.
The important thing is to build on the foundation.




Introduction of "Certified Grandmasters", "Certified Masters", and "Certified Leaders" who are active in various areas.



How to become

Introduces the system of step-up in the Reido Universal Federation.
Not only the level of conveyance, but also personality and popularity are required as you step up.




Introduction of Rennon Lee, the founder of ”BUGAKU” and the Reido Universal Federation.


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